First of all, I want to thank the newspaper Diario La Nacionfor being interested in how the children who live traveling with their family study and spread our life project in the note.

First of all, I want to thank the newspaper La Nacion for being interested in how the children who live traveling with their family study and spread our life project in the note.

When we started talking with Jorge about the possibility of embarking on the adventure of living aboard the ship traveling, one of the issues we had to ensure was the continuity of Pachi’s schooling.

familia en velero


With these itineraries we define basing Pachi’s learning strategy on 3 main pillars: 1) Argentine Distance Education that is 100% digital throughout the school year, 2) attendance at a face-to-face school during a period of the year in a country that we visit and 3) experiential learning on board.

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Se van a navegar por el mundo? Y cómo va a ir al colegio la nena? Pachi estaba finalizando su 3er grado en Buenos Aires, cuando decidimos vivir a bordo de un velero y navegar sin un rumbo fijo más que el de vivir mejor. Viajar con niños es maravilloso. El aprendizaje es de tiempo completo. Aprender a adaptarse a nuevos ámbitos, conocer el mundo, aprender a cuidar el medio ambiente, aprender a navegar, aprender a jugar sin tantos juguetes comprados, aprender idiomas son herramientas que se adquieren para toda la vida. Pero además, los niños argentinos que viven en el exterior se escolarizan bajo un programa oficial y nacional de Educación que les mantiene los lazos con nuestro origen y nuestro idioma. El SEAD y el SEADE. Ambos son excelentes. Pero lo más divertido es estudiar meridianos y paralelos a bordo justo cruzando el meridiano de Greenwich, la historia de la civilización en la Acrópolis de Atenas, el fenómeno de las mareas desde el barco, los climas subtropicales viendo caer la lluvia en Brasil, el descubrimiento de América en la casa de Colón en Canarias o los puntos cardinales timoneando el barco. Eso sí, no tenemos un escritorio fijo para estudiar, puede ser en el camarote, sentada en la proa, acostada en el cockpit, sentada en una reposera en la playa o en la mesa del salón del barco. Tampoco tenemos un único medio de transporte para ir a la escuela, podemos ir caminando desde la playa, remando en el bote o bajando desde el barco por el muelle. Ah, en julio, haremos tándem con Tobías en Ibiza para que puedan estudiar juntos para las pruebas. Estudiar viajando ? Si, claro. Se puede y es la educación más integral que jamás hayas imaginado. Así que ahora no hay excusas, viajar con niños es lo más maravilloso del viaje. . #familiaenvelero #familyonboard #viajarconniños #med2019 #boatschooling #educacionadistancia #kidsonboard

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Today Pachi is in 6th grade, it is the 3rd year that he studies under the Online Distance Education System, which is not the same as doing homeschooling. Pachi has a team of teachers in Argentina that, among many other things, prepare the contents and guide us so that from the ship we can study at a distance with a technological platform that makes the iPad not only the device to play Minecraft but also in his book of contents of the subjects and his notebooks of class.

 I am a mother and her teacher, and I am her facilitator so that she can acquire the knowledge proposed by the Argentine distance education system, which is 100% digital. I am the one who knows perfectly well what subject she understood and what subject she needs to reinforce, and we do not advance in the contents until everything is understood.

We make a planning of times based on the contents of the school, to distribute the time of learning, exercise and evaluations, which are carried out on the ship, sent by postal mail and have the character of an affidavit. To comply with the planning, “we study Argentine school” every day of the week but without fixed schedules, but we intend to meet objectives.


poros hostandboat


My oldest son 2 years ago was in his university career with a 100% distance format through a digital platform. He did it at 19 in 2018. So to the children who are now in elementary school, why not prepare them for something that is not future, but is already present?

familia en velero

Today, while I prepare my posts for the Hostandboat blog, my son from Spain sends me designs made in Canva to upload to the networks of our digital enterprise through whatsapp and Pachi also in Canva prepares the poster that the teacher of The school in Montenegro gave him homework. (Canva is a technological tool that helps you design in an easy way). 

Pachi attended face-to-face school in Brazil for two periods in two different years with Brazilian children on the Big Island in Angra dos Reis. In this 2019, as we had many countries on our road map, we planned and defined that in the European winter we would be still without sailing and choose which would be the most suitable country for Pachi to attend a face-to-face school. After studying the different options, we define that he attends an International School in English in the city of Tivat in Montenegro, whose name is KSI. She shared her days with Montenegrin, Serbian, Russian, French and Dutch children.


ksi montenegro hostandboat


She is trilingual since she perfectly dominates Portuguese and English, thanks to her steps through these schools.

Our objectives of attending a face-to-face school in addition to its socialization are to share spaces with peers and also because we want it to incorporate, not only new languages, but also new cultures, customs and the ability to adapt to different media and changes Being these tools that we consider very important for your life formation.

 And the 3rd pillar that we call experiential learning, is based on Learning to know the world, learn to care for the environment, learn to navigate, learn to play without so many purchased toys and learn to travel.


family on board hostandboat


It is much more fun to study meridians and parallels aboard the ship just across the Greenwich meridian, the history of civilization in the Acropolis of Athens, the phenomenon of tides from the ship, subtropical climates watching the rain fall in Brazil, the discovery of America in the house of Columbus in the Canary Islands, the cardinal points rocking the ship or the history of the breakup of Yugoslavia visiting Croatia and Montenegro She enjoys experiential classes in Geography and History permanently. And we call this Boatschooling.



Estar lejos de sus montones de juguetes ayudó a despertar la creatividad . Aprendió a navegar y a tomar el timón, a marcar un rumbo, a fijar coordenadas, lleva casi 10.000 NM navegadas en el mar. Aprendió a tocar el ukelele x YouTube, vive en la naturaleza, con peces, tortugas, valora el agua dulce, recicla residuos y  se sorprende con un atardecer en el mar.



kids on board hostandboat


Living on board and doing a different school than she was used to, it was not easy. Being a mother and teacher, stop working in a company, become a full-time mom and start undertaking at almost 50 with our boat rental platform, it was not easy, but we believe that this is the time to do it. And being a witness and part of their learning process makes me happy.

 Sometimes they ask me, but is she alone? She is not alone, she adds new friends to every place we go, boys who live in boats like boys who live on land. Shyness has been overcome, because she has acquired a great exercise of integration to new groups absolutely different from those she knew. He has added friends in each school he attended in Buenos Aires, Brazil, in Montenegro, and also has his whatsapp groups with his companions from the remote Argentine school, who also travel the world. They talk, they ask about homework, they greet each other and with their closest friend Tobi, we have already shared dinner on board and beach days in Ibiza. Today his circle of friendships expanded and enriched. Always somewhere in the world, there is a friend awake. Technology facilitates this exchange, where they can share a video called with a friend, and tell themselves how they did in school, what they had for lunch, what happened to them at recess, and what new series to watch on Netflix. (In the same way that all the boys who live in the city do and where the most chosen method of communicating is “texting”).


It is said that 65% of the jobs that children who are currently in primary school will have do not yet exist

It is said that 65% of the jobs that children who are currently in primary school will have do not yet exist and that the main skills in the labor market will be soft skills, that is: the solution of complex problems, critical thinking, creativity, personnel management, emotional intelligence, decision making, service orientation, negotiation and improvisation.

She belongs to the Z generation, also known as postmillennia, centennial. I wonder how I prepare as a mother to educate my centennial daughter. What changes should I make?

The world is immersed in a process of digital transformation, so why not include our children in this process since childhood?